Sustainable and ethical practices

Our CSR approach

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a fundamental commitment for Video Facilities, an audiovisual production company that attaches great importance to its influence on society and the environment.

A fundamental commitment for Video Facilities

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a fundamental commitment for Video Facilities, an audiovisual production company that places great importance on its impact on society and the environment. Our approach to CSR aims to integrate sustainable and ethical practices into all our activities. To achieve this, we are supported and advised by Flying Secoya.

Here is an overview of our approach:

  1. Use of environmentally-friendly technologies
  2. All our products follow the 3Rs principle
  3. Use of the Seco2 carbon calculator for our productions


the production of waste by adopting practices that minimise its creation.


objects and products instead of throwing them away, encouraging longer use and reducing waste.


waste production by adopting practices that minimise its creation.

A more sustainable and responsible future

The 3Rs principle

The 3Rs principle is essential for reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill, minimising the depletion of natural resources, reducing environmental pollution and helping to preserve the environment. It is an important approach to sustainable waste management and the promotion of a circular economy.
As a responsible company, Video Facilities is committed to following the principles of the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) to minimise our environmental footprint, encourage energy efficiency and promote production choices that respect the planet. Our commitment to these principles reinforces our determination to make a positive contribution to protecting the environment while continuing to offer quality audiovisual services to our customers. We see this commitment as an important step towards a more sustainable and responsible future for Video Facilities.